First Aid Training


First Aid Training in North Wales

HSE First Aid training, EYFS Paediatric First Aid Training or BCU Aquatic First aid run at your workplace, school, nursery or Club at a reasonable price.
Training can be run at your site if you have more than four students looking for training at the same time or you can join one of my locally run public courses which will run on a regular basis.

Employers’ legal duties

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. These Regulations apply to all workplaces including those with less than five employees and to the self-employed.

Detailed information can be found in First aid at work. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Approved Code of Practice and guidance.

The Law

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide suitable first-aid equipment, facilities and personnel to enable immediate assistance to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. Regulation 3(2) states that in order to provide first aid to injured or ill employees, '..a person shall not be suitable unless he has undergone -

  • such training and has such qualifications as the Health and Safety Executive may approve for the time being in respect of that case or class of case, and
  • such additional training, if any, as may be appropriate in the circumstances of that case'